Why ecommerce sites should offer coupons & promo codes & how you can easily do it

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Should You Offer Coupons?

If you run a eCommerce store or online business, then you’re probably always trying to think of new ways to increase your profits.  One thing you may have considered is offering coupons.  Some people are hesitant to offer coupons.  For one thing, it is pretty obvious to follow this line of thinking.  The bigger the coupon, the less the customer pays, and therefore you’ll make less money for every sale.  Another reason people are often hesitant to add coupons is that it can be complex, depending on the eCommerce platform you use.

But companies offer coupons all the time.  Therefore, there must be some benefits of having coupons, right?  Well, just don’t my word for it!  Take a look at these stats, found here:

  • 65% of customers say online vouchers codes often finalize purchase decisions if they’re undecided
  • 63% of customers say they reconsider an abandoned shopping cart if they get a coupon code offer
  • 57% of shoppers say they wouldn’t have made their purchase if they hadn’t had a coupon code
  • 91% of customers say they’d buy again from a business if they used a coupon for the first purchase, even if they don’t get another coupon
  • 60% of shoppers prefer discounts over other promotional offers (such as freebies)
  • 39% of customers said receiving promotions and discounts was the reason they read marketing emails.

How Do You Offer Coupons?

So now that you know it’s a great idea to offer coupons, the question is, how do you do it?  Well, depending on the eCommerce platform, it can be quite simple.

Here are some great eCommerce Platforms that offer coupons.  If you aren’t using these, you might want to consider switching.  We are big fans of these eCommerce solutions:

If you are already using WordPress, then we recommend using WPSimplePay in order to easily add coupons.

If you are already using Joomla, then we recommend using HikaShop.