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As business owners, we are always trying to find how to get an edge over our competitors.  We are always trying to connect with our customers, get more readers for our blogs, increase our brand awareness, etc.  And social media platforms can be an amazing way to achieve this!

There are a lot of different social media platforms out there, though.  So sometimes it’s hard to figure out the best ones to use to grow your business.  And that’s where we hope to help you!  Check out our list for the top ten best social media platforms you can use for your business.

1. Facebook

Facebook has over 2 billion users, so for that reason alone they deserve to be at the top of the list!  The Facebook platform is a great way to reach a large number of people.  And it’s a great way to stay connected to your audience & customers with a Facebook page.  Running a Facebook page for your business is free, too.

But if you really want to grow your Facebook page, you may want to put a little money in it with Facebook ads.  Facebook ads are a great way to grow your business because they can work like Google ads, but they’re a lot less expensive.  And unlike with Google ads, you can really target a specific type of customer by demographics or interests.  If you are looking to get started with Facebook ads, check out our best tools for Facebook ads blog entry.

And if you are serious about really growing your business with Facebook and want to post a lot to keep your audience involved, you could consider scheduling your posts ahead of time.  SmarterQueue is a great tool you can use to schedule your posts ahead of time.

2. YouTube

YouTube has almost 2 billion users themselves, so this is another great way to expand your business’s reach.  You can make videos promoting your business or different products from your business.  We talk about the benefits of video marketing here.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is my personal favorite social media platform for business.  This is because not only has Pinterest increased traffic to my websites, but it’s increased the right kind of traffic.  I have made a lot of sales on products for multiple businesses through pins.  Get started with Pinterest by using our Pinterest for Marketing Guide.

4. Instagram

With 1 billion users, Instagram is certainly a social media platform you need to be utilizing if you want to grow your business. If you sell products, it’s a great way to show off your beautiful products.  It’s also a good way to connect with customers and grow your brand even if you don’t sell products.

If you are unsure of how to use Instagram for your business, check out our suggestions for Instagram posts.  And if you want help getting started on Instagram, check out our top tools for Instagram.

5. Messenger

Messenger is fully integrated into Facebook, but it is a social media platform in and of itself.  Messaging apps have been on the rise lately, so it makes sense you’re going to want to take advantage of that to grow your business.  Check out our Facebook Messenger Ads Guide to get started.

6. LinkedIn

This next social media platform on our list, Linkedin, could be one of the best for your business.  But that really depends on the kind of business you run.  If your business sells products to other businesses, then Linkedin is a great way to target other business owner.  Similarly, if your customer base consists of professionals, then Linkedin is a great social media platform for you.  But otherwise, it may not be the best social  media platform for you.  But if it is, check out our Linkedin for Business blog post.

7. Twitter

Twitter may not be as popular as it once does, but there are still 335 million monthly active users.  Twitter is a great way to get out up to date information, such as flash sales or a new product launch.  It’s also a good way to tell your audience about new blog entries.  You can use SmarterQueue to schedule your tweets in advance, too.

8. SnapChat

If your business targets a younger audience, then SnapChat makes sense for your business.  Recent stats show that 78% of all 18 to 24-year-old Americans use SnapChat.  So keeping up a good SnapChat account or advertising on SnapChat could be a great business decision for you.

9. Reddit

Why use Reddit for your business?  Well, according to Alexa, Reddit is the sixth most popular website in the United States.  So you might consider looking into advertising on Reddit.

10. TikTok

TikTok is an app that is really rising in popularity, especially among a younger demographic.  Users can create and share 15-second videos.  If you ever used Vine, then think of it like that in a way.  If you are trying to go after a younger demographic, then TikTok is definitely something you’re going to want to get in now as the popularity rises.  In order to make sure you are making high quality videos, consider getting one of these cameras.