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Linkedin is a wonderful tool to promote your business, especially if your product is great for business professionals or other businesses (like if you sell marketing or website design to businesses, training courses for professionals, etc.).
If you would like to promote your business on Linkedin, here are some tips to help you up your game:
1. Make sure your own personal profile is the best it can be, because people can find out about your business through your profile. Make sure you list your current business in your profile so people can see it. Add a picture so people will recognize you. Add your location because that’s a way people often find you.
2. Start a company page for your business. Add a picture and a banner to help your company profile stand out more. Update your company page regularly with posts. You can do that easily if you get an account with SmarterQueue because you can schedule Linkedin posts through SmarterQueue. Try eye-catching visuals when you do update, like a great picture or a video (you can use this video editing software to make great business videos). Write a great description for your Company Page so that people can find you. Put a link of your company page on your website so people can find it. You can even add a Follow button on your website to encourage people to follow your Linkedin page. You can also promote your new Company Page in your email newsletters, too.
3. Start Linkedin groups related to your product to help promote you as an expert of your business. Make sure this is a unique topic so search to make sure a bunch of the same group already exist. If they do exist, consider taking a more narrow approach (like instead of a broad “Marketing” group get a lot more specific). Write a great description of the group so people can find it. Make it an open-group with pre-approval. You don’t want it to be the kind of group where people just find out through invitations because that would take you a lot of time finding people to send the invitations to and it’s better if people can find you. But at the same time, by approving each member, you can make sure the same spammer isn’t signing up over & over again. Speaking of spamming, make sure you do moderate your Linkedin group to make sure it doesn’t just become people spamming with advertisements because then people will sour from the group (there’s only so many “I make 80,000 from home” posts a person can take, after all). Make sure you engage with your members and start discussions yourself to keep the conversation going. And while you can mention products you offer, make sure you don’t oversell, i.e. every post of yours shouldn’t contain a link to your website. Promote yourself organically (like if someone asks if there’s anyone who can offer a specific service and you do, then reply).
4. In addition to promoting your Linkedin page yourself, you could consider having paid ads on Linkedin, too. Advertising on Linkedin can be great for your business – we go over advertising on Linked here.