Young man in headphones using microphone and recording podcast. Learn how to start your own political podcast & make money

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Do you like listening to political podcasts?  Have you ever thought of starting your own political podcast?  I am sure you have a lot of thoughts and ideas you would like to share.  And you could do a lot of good with this podcast, bringing forth ideas and news that people need to know about.

You could do this as a hobby.  Or you could make money from your podcast!  We tell you how you can make money from a podcast here.

So I’m sure you’re thinking, this all sounds great.  But how do I do this?  I have no experience and I don’t know where to begin.

But the good thing is, you don’t have to have a lot of experience to get started.  Just great ideas and a lot to say.  Because you can easily start a podcast without any experience with Castos.  They are a great platform for hosting a podcast and you don’t need any experience to use it.  They help you easily post your podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Sticher, and other podcast apps.  Castos even has a YouTube Republishing feature for your podcast.  They also give you all other kinds of great features.  Like they’ll transcribe your podcast for you, give you insights into who is listening to your podcast, there are no bandwidth restrictions, etc.

How to Get Started With Your Political Podcast

So now that you know can have a political podcast, the question is, what is the first step in starting?  Well, I think before you begin, you need to sort out a few things about your podcast.

Like, what is the focus of your podcast?  Will you stick to just politics or also about your life?  Will you focus on the current political news?  Or will you talk about theories?  Will you focus on upcoming elections?  Will you talk about it just as the national level or the local level, too?  Or will you consider sticking to the politics in one specific region, such as Texas?  Will your podcast take a serious tone?  Or will be a bit lighter with humor?  Will you try to focus on one political viewpoint (progressive, conservative, liberal, etc.)?  Or will you try to cover all sides of the political spectrum?

You will also need to decide if you want to host the podcast by yourself or co-host with others.  Either way, you can also decide if you want to interview people on your podcast.

Now, the great thing about your podcast is you get total creative freedom.  It can be what you want.  And it can evolve as you keep going with your podcast.  You can figure out what you like best, what works best, etc.

But at the same time, you’ll want a general idea of what you want to accomplish with your political podcast or what you want it to be.  And when you pick out a name for your podcast, you’ll want it to at least somewhat reflect what the focus is.  You are free to make the name of your podcast as creative as you want.  Just make sure people can understand what your podcast is when they are scrolling through podcast suggestions.  Otherwise, you could miss out on a lot of potential listeners who would like to hear what you have to say.

Now, once you have a name, you may want to register as a business in your state.  Now, if you are not going to make any money from this then you don’t have to, but if you want to make money you’ll need to do this.  You can check your own state’s guide to registering as a business because rules definitely vary from state to state.  And you should consider getting an LLC for your business.

So, what do you after that?  Well, I say check out our checklist for what you need to get started with a Podcast.  This tells you about everything you’ll need to start your podcast, like a microphone and a website.

Having a Political Blog

Still interested in getting out your political point of view, but you’re not sure if you want to have a podcast?  Then you could consider making a blog instead.  This is a great choice if you like writing more than speaking.  We tell you how to make a successful political blog here.