Non-technical guide to quickly & easily creating your own website for your podcast

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Do you have a podcast or are thinking of having a podcast?  Well, I think you should have a website, too.

Having a website in addition to your podcast is a great idea.  It can help your podcast in a variety of ways.

For example, your website can help people find your podcast.  People could find your website through Google or other search engines.  You can use one of these search engine optimization tools to help your website show up high in search engines.

It can help you earn money with your podcast.  Are you looking to get sponsors for your podcast to help you earn money?  You can have a contact form on your website so people can reach out to you.  Are you thinking of taking donations to help fund your podcast?  Your website could link to your crowdfunding website.  Or you could take in donations directly on your website.  Are you thinking of selling promotional items (like T-shirts or bumper stickers) for your podcast to help you earn money?  You could sell these items on your website.

You can also use your website to promote your podcast.  You can put podcast episodes directly on your website.  Another thing you can do on your website is to use it as way for people to sign up for a newsletter subscription.  You can then send out a newsletter to people every day you have a new podcast episode.  Constant Contact is a great email marketing service you can use to easily create professional newsletters.

So now you know you want a website for your podcast.  But you may have no experience creating websites.  And that is absolutely okay because we are going to help you with that.

Creating a Podcast Website with No Experience Necessary

So how do you create a website for your podcast if you have no experience at all creating websites?  Well, the answer to that is WordPress.  WordPress is a popular way people create websites without having to know anything about coding.  You don’t need any experience to get started.  Just follow our non-technical guide to creating a WordPress website.  WordPress allows you to easily do things on your website, too, like take in money or sell products.

Want to make your WordPress website even better for a podcast website?  Use one of these Podcast WordPress Themes and it will look really professional!

WordPress is what we recommend you use to start your website.  But if you don’t want to create it at all, though, there are a few other options.  If you already have a podcast then you can submit your RSS Feed to Podsite and a website will be created for you from that.  Or you can hire someone through Fiverr to create a website for you.

But no matter how you get your website, make sure you get one to make sure your podcast is the best it can be!