How to start your very own home improvement podcast

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Do you love giving advice on home improvement projects?  Are you passionate about home improvement projects?  Do you watch shows on HGTV and think, I could be giving advice like that?

Well, then maybe you should start a home improvement podcast!  It would be a great way for you to give advice to others about home improvement.

You might think starting your own podcast sounds too daunting.  But if you break down the steps you need, it won’t seem that way.  So let’s go over them.

Step 1: Decide What Your Podcast Will Be About

Okay, so you are probably thinking, duh.  Home improvement.  But here’s where you decide if you want to be more specialized or broader.  There are a lot of different directions you could take with a home improvement podcast.  Do you want to focus on ways to fix things around your house?  Or would you rather talk about say home decorating ideas?  Or do you not want to limit yourself?  This is where you figure that out.

This is also the stage where you decide other things about your podcast.  For example, do you want to do it by yourself?  Or with a co-host?  Or do you want to have special guests on your podcast?

Additionally, do you want your podcast to focus just on home improvement?  Or do you want to include other things?  For example, if you are doing a podcast about home improvement tips with your spouse and you talk about projects the two of you do together, do you also want to talk about marriage issues?  There are a lot of areas you can go with this.  And this is the stage to figure all that out.

Step 2: Choose a Name for your Podcast

Now that you know what your podcast is about, it’s the perfect time to name your podcast.  It should ideally be unique enough that people will remember it but not too unique that people have no idea what it is.  It’s great if you can figure out more or less what it’s about from the name.  For example, the podcast “Around the House with Eric G” tells you what it’s about but is unique enough to stand out.

Step #3: Decide if You Want to Make Money

Having a podcast can be a fun hobby.  But it can also be a profitable business.  We talk about how to make money from your podcast here.

If you would like to make money from your podcast, you’ll need to protect yourself legally.  I’ve always set up an LLC whenever I start a new business.  We go over the advantages and disadvantages of starting an LLC here.

Step #4: Get Needed Tools

Having a podcast requires more than just a host with a great personality (though that doesn’t hurt).  It also requires some much-needed tools, including things you may or may not have thought about.  We have a checklist for starting a podcast here.

Step #5: Get Started

Now comes the really fun part: getting started!  Have fun and good luck!