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One of the benefits of having an A2 Hosting account is the ability to create unlimited subdomains.
A subdomain is basically part of your main website.
Some examples of subdomains you might have visited are:
You might add a subdomain to your website if you have, for example, a blog, a forum, a store or some other section that you wanted to keep separate from the rest of your website.
Another great reason to add a subdomain to your website is so that you can make a staging site.
A staging site is sort of like a practice site for your real website – you can try out changes or make sure updates won’t mess up your site before you make the changes to your main site.
Since A2 Hosting lets you create as many subdomains as you need, this can be an excellent way if you’re deciding between several different options.
For example, for one of my WordPress sites, I wasn’t sure which plugin I wanted to use to display some information. I was able to create a couple of different staging sites, add different plugins to each staging site, and then compare both versions at the same time.
So, whether you want to add a permanent extra section to your website or create a staging site, we’re going to take a look at how to add a subdomain if you have an A2 Hosting account.
You can use the video tutorial, or you can read the following transcript.
How to Create a Subdomain in A2 Hosting Account
So today we’re going to see how to Add a subdomain to our A2 hosting shared account.
So we’re in our A2 hosting Dashboard.
We’ll click on cPanel, Log in and we’re going to go to the icon for subdomains.
The easiest way for me to remember how to find it is just to simply search for the word subdomain. But you could also remember that it’s found under the Domains heading.
Either way, we’ll click on subdomains and where it says Create a Subdomain, we’re going to put the name of our subdomain.
I’ll put the name “example”. I’m gonna click outside of it, so that it will pop up here – example dot and then our domain name. [So if the subdomain name is example and our domain is domain.com, then we’ll have “example.domain.com”.]
Any word you want to use to name your subdomain instead of “example,” you could use anything. See, down here are some subdomains that we’ve already created.
[Please note that if you have more than one domain on your account, you’ll need to make sure that under where it says Domain, you see the domain you want to use. If you don’t see the correct domain, click on it and choose the correct domain from the drop down menu. And if you only have one domain on your account, you don’t need to worry about it!]
All right, so now that I’ve put in the name of my subdomain, it’s filled in how it’s going to show up, how we’re going to find it – I’ll click on Create.
And it’s been created. And that’s all you have to do. Thank you.