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If you run a WordPress website, then you probably want to go with a managed WordPress host, which helps save you time by doing things for you, like automated WordPress updates. If you are considering BlueHost and Pressable Managed WordPress hosting and can’t decide, I can give my advice on which one I think you can pick. In order to do this, I am going to compare the web hosts on three main qualities: the features web hosts offer, pricing and customer service.
Features: Pressable & Bluehost both offer a lot of great features that you want your web host to give you (free SSL, website caching, a staging environment, automated backups, etc.). One thing that Pressable does offer you is a free CDN which can help your website be faster for international customers so that is a great included feature if you want to people across the world (if you have a local business, though, you will not need this).
Slight Advantage: Pressable
Price: As far as hosting goes, Pressable’s costs are expensive. As in if this is your first time with a blog or website, you really do not want to be paying this price. The only advantage Pressable has regarding price is you can pay on a monthly basis whereas with Bluehost, you have to pay for at least a year upfront. But let’s compare the two lowest plans for a minute. If you pay for one year of their most basic plan, you pay $71.40 upfront. With Pressable, you would pay $25 per month. So, yeah, at the beginning, that is less money, but it would take you just three months and you’d be paying more for Pressable. If you are willing to spend a lot of money on a web host, then you’d be better off with a host like Kinsta that offers enough to justify their high cost (namely, incredibly fast websites). Pressable doesn’t really do enough extra that other cheaper hosters (such as Bluehost) don’t already do to justify their high price.
Advantage: Bluehost
Customer Service: Here’s where Bluehost really shines in comparison with Pressable. Pressable does not offer support around the clock the way that Bluehost offers 24/7 customers support. Additionally, when you do get feedback from the support team at Pressable, they can be downright rude, which is really unacceptable when you consider how much they cost.
Advantage: Bluehost
Conclusion: While Pressable does offer some features Bluehost doesn’t, the price does not make it worth it, especially when you consider the vast difference in customer service. You would be much better off going with Bluehost.
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