How to start a hair-themed website with a Canva template

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Canva is a wonderful graphic design platform that I find myself using almost every day of my life.  I use it to create graphics used on a lot of social media networks (such as Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, etc.).

You may have used Canva yourself if you are in the hair business.  Whether you run a hair salon, are a hairdresser, own a store that sells hair products, etc., you may have a social media presence.  So you may have used Canva to create graphics for this.

But did you know that you can also use Canva to create a website?  You can create a website with Canva.  You can use their tools to create your own website.  So you can do it really regardless of experience because Canva’s tools are so intuitive.

Please note that Canva websites really only work for relatively simple websites, where you are just presenting information.  If, for example, you want to start an online store selling hair products, then you’ll need something more complex, such as Shopify.

But if you are looking for simple website and you’d like to use Canva, then I am sure you’d like to make the process even easier and faster.  In this case, you should use a template rather than starting your website from scratch.  Especially a template that is already designed for a hair business website.  All you’ll need to do is plug in your information.

Best Hair Canva Templates

So here are some great templates for a hair business you can use: