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Ten Tips For Holiday Cards for Business Clients
We’re getting to the end of 2020, which, let’s face it, has been a lot more challenging for businesses than we anticipated at this point last year. But that means it is even more important than ever to reach out to our clients and customers. And one way you can do that is with a holiday card for your business clients!
Holiday cards are a great way to show you care about your customers. You can also show your clients how important they are to you with a holiday card. And it is a great way particularly in 2020 when it’s harder to have face to face time with your business clients.
But before you get started, here are some tips to make your holiday cards a really effective marketing tool for you.
Tip #1: Don’t Just Use eCards
You may be tempted to just send out an eCard. After all, that is a lot cheaper.
But there is something about holding a tangible card. It is going to stand out in your customer’s minds more. It feels more personal than a mass e-mail. And it won’t feel as cluttered in their email box.
And there’s one other great advantage. If they put it up with their other holiday cards, it’s a great way to keep your business and you in their mind during the holiday season!
Tip #2: Don’t Spend Too Much Money
Now, I did say you should use traditional cards rather than e-cards. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune.
Because let’s face it, there’s a good chance that because of the COVID-19 pandemic that this year, your business didn’t do as great this year as you were hoping. So don’t add to any potential financial burdens by spending a ton of money on holiday cards.
One way around this is by buying your holiday cards online. You save a lot of money by buying them through online companies. It’s especially good this year since online is so much safer!
But an online company my business has always had wonderful experiences with is 123Print. They are incredibly affordable and have great sales. Click here to get started.
Tip #3: Make Them High Quality
Now, this may seem contradictory because I just said you shouldn’t spend too much money. But that’s part of the reason I recommend 123Print. Their prices are great but their quality is great, too. I have gotten a lot of compliments on printed marketing material I purchased from 123Print for their quality. I never told my customers how much money I also saved by using them, either!
Tip #4: Personalize Them
Consider personalizing your holiday card to your business. That way, when people see your card among their other cards, your business stands out.
123Print has a lot of great industry-specific holiday cards. For example, let’s say you are a dentist. They have holiday cards specific to the dental industry. You can get a cute tooth with a Santa hat wishing your customers “Happy Holidays”. So your customer can’t help but think of you when they glance at it.
Tip #5: Add Your Logo
In addition to making the actual card specific to your industry, you can also add your logo to the card. This should be fairly simple to do with 123Print. You can just upload it and add it. 123Print makes it really easy for people to design a card without any previous experience.
Tip #6: Handwrite a Message in Your Card
As long as you are spending money on actual, tangible holiday cards, make it as personal as possible. Actually, write a message inside your card with your handwriting calling your customer by name. This is a great way to show your customer you don’t think of them as a number but as a person. This is so important right now. People are longing for personal connections in a time when it is hard to make them. Be that for them.
Tip #7: Make Your Message Concise
While a personal message is great, perhaps you should avoid writing an incredibly lengthy message in the card. If for no other reason, this would take you an incredibly long time.
Tip #8: Don’t Make Your Cards Overly Religious
Perhaps you should stay away from specific religious mentions in your holiday cards. Because your clients could obviously celebrate a number of different holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc.), and you want to be as inclusive as possible.
A notable exception to this would obviously be if your business is religious. Like if you run a Christian bookstore, you can obviously mention religion. In fact, you probably should, because that is your brand.
Tip #9: Make Sure Your Holiday Mailing List is Up to Date
Make sure your mailing list is up to date. For example, if you know a customer has moved away, get rid of them from your mailing list. Otherwise, you are wasting money.
Tip #10: Get Started As Soon As Possible
All of your hard work won’t matter so much if your clients get your cards in January. So make sure you get started as soon as possible to get the most bang for your buck. So click here to get started.